Answers to common questions.For general questions or record requests: Well answer in-person during office hours (Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.) or respond to you the next business day if you leave a message outside of office hours.. It worked, but Development Direct is created especially for these functions and will make the application, submittal and review process faster and easier! A building permit is required if you erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, improve, convert, or demolish a building or structure. Please limit the number of characters in a file name to 35 or less; abbreviations are acceptable. Call 503-742-4400. Call us at 503-742-4400 or visit us on the second floor of the Development Services Building at 150 Beavercreek Road in Oregon City. Step 2 Visit the Permits: What to Submit pages to get organized for an online application process. In person / mail Only the following Browsers are supported: Internet Explorer 11 (32-bit only), latest versions of Chrome, Edge, Firefox and Safari. Find information about Clackamas County, Oregon Zoning Codes & Ordinances including planning, development, subdivisions, zoning regulations, land use codes, and revisions. Find Clackamas County, Oregon real estate and property deeds, including options for accessing records, types of records, and fees. You may not use this site for the purposes of furnishing consumer reports about search subjects or for any use prohibited by the FCRA. Septic system permit or authorization for remodel. Complete and submit online applications for Building permits and Development Engineering permits. Typical permit review timelines (subject to workload and staffing): Watch your Development Direct account and email for information about payments, requests for additional information and notification of when you can download your approved drawings. In the Step 1 of 4 area, select . Your permit states what inspections are required. Searching for Permits ONLINE | City of Lake Oswego chevron_right Building Searching for Permits ONLINE Searching for permits online using the Online E-permitting system. You can verify your property zoning on CMap by performing a search for your address. Upload files with original file name Please contact them at 503-742-4240. Find information about Clackamas County, Oregon Property Forms & Applications including real estate filings, certificates of occupancy, property tax forms, and land records. All Development Engineering permits, including: All Building, Electrical, Plumbing and Mechanical permits that, Trade contractor Electrical, Plumbing and Mechanical permits, Basic homeowner Electrical, Plumbing and Mechanical permits. We do not accept paper submittals. Contact us. Friday public health by properly treating and disposing of disease-causing human waste. 7. To invite someone as a project participant: After your files are submitted, our staff will begin the Prescreen Review process to check the drawings and documents provided for the project. Clackamas County Property Records for constructing or altering a commercial building or commercial space. Find information about Clackamas County, Oregon Delinquent Tax Sales & Auctions including tax liens for sale, property tax auctions, estate sales, tax lien, and and foreclosure lists. We are happy to connect with you, to walk you through setting up an account and making an application. Not sure where to start or which application you need? This process is for Licensed Construction Contractors Board (CCB) contractors who are doing mechanical, electrical or plumbing work. If you are using a Browser other than these listed, you will need to upgrade your Browser to a supported version to access and use this site. To view a changemark comment, do one of the following: On the file, in the markup area, hover over. The guidelines on the Development Direct webpage provide information on how to prepare your project plans and documents. Rates are reviewed annually and changed as appropriate. City permits can be found on the Licenses & Applications page. Pay fees, and manage your plan review projects from start to finish. If you reside within Clackamas Fire's coverage area, please call the daily burn message line: 503.742.2945. Step by step instructions for the whole review process are provided below. You can watch these short videos to see step by step instructions for using Development Direct. Licensed CCB contractors can apply online for trade permits (electrical, plumbing and residential mechanical) that do not require plan review. Find information about Clackamas County, Oregon Property Tax Payments including paying and viewing your tax bills, school, county, and town tax information. System-generated emails will come from or Find information about Clackamas County, Oregon Ordinances & Codes including local law ordinances, municipal ordinances, municodes, city ordinances, and code enforcement. There are several kinds of permits, and depending on your project, you may need more than one. Visit our Development Direct page for complete instructions to accessyour permits. Contact us at 503-742-4740 Clackamas County Building Permits Find information about Clackamas County, Oregon Building Permits including applying for building permits, permit searches, zoning processes and procedures, and costs and fees. Visit our online permitting system toregister for an account. Our most common land use applications are listed below, additional forms can be found on our website. This tool will allow you to access current and historical permit documents filed with the Department of Transportation and Development. Find Contractor Licenses, Land Records, and Property Records related to Clackamas County Permits. Note: An Entrance Permit may be upgraded to a Development Permit if land use requirements call for a construction management plan/erosion control plan; there are steep slopes, major grading and/or fill, surface water management review or other items that require more in-depth review. By location Resources BCD registration data file: All licenses download CCB license search Construction Contractors Board (CCB) Was this page helpful? Click on search results below to view documents. We will give you a call when we are ready for payment. In Oregon, Clackamas County is ranked 22nd of 36 counties in Building Departments per capita, and 5th of 36 counties in Building Departments per square mile. 206 or email: or Find information about Clackamas County, Oregon Building Permits including applying for building permits, permit searches, zoning processes and procedures, and costs and fees. Do not include dashes [-] or other special characters (such as &, %, #) in the file name. What if I dont want to or am unable to use online services? When all files have been added, and checked to make sure they are correct, select at the top of the dialog box. Friday After we finish reviewing your files, you will receive a system-generated email and be notified in Development Directletting you know the status of your application. When you are ready to submit, enter Development Direct using the button below. Clackamas County Property Tax Payments Resubmit corrected files You need an account to submit and manage applications. 3-digit number showing drawings order in the set + (space) + Number and/or letter provided on the sheet + (space) + Sheet Title/Name = File Name., 150 Beavercreek Road Room #225 Oregon City, OR 97045. Its important to prepare your drawings before you start an application. Your application process will be paused until we receive funds. OAR 918-480-0140 We can accept attachments of up to 40MB total per email. After selecting the Final Payment task name, the Billing Information window is displayed. Already familiar with Development Direct? Fill in all necessary information and click Create My Account, You will get a confirmation code via email. By submitting this form you agree to our Privacy Policy & Terms. You are responsible for ensuring compliance with these documents, and should have them on-site for inspections. Perform a free Clackamas County, OR public property records search, including property appraisals, unclaimed property, ownership searches, lookups, tax records, titles, deeds, and liens. Active permit holders to review their permits and schedule inspections. Permit Process 1. Email the rest of your completed application forms to: New [TYPE OF APPLICATION] Application; YOUR ADDRESS (unless the site has no address), If you are unable to submit your plans electronically, please contact our staff for an alternative. Limit of 5 free uses per day. Wednesday View Portland GIS map, including street names, schools, parks, sewer assets, and parcel information. Instructions & Forms for Online Permit Submittals. Administers state, regional and local land use and zoning regulations in unincorporated areas. Prior to starting the upload, the color coding on the screen provides a double check of the files you have selected. Email or call 503-742-4691. As part of creating an application, the roles assigned to the project participants have specific meanings, with not all roles allowed to do the same tasks. Wednesday 6. Instructions & Forms for Online Permit Submittals Reference the APPLICANT NAME or the STREET ADDRESS on the MEMO line of the check. Clackamas County Assessment and Taxation Website How do I find the information for the parcel after I searched and found it? These applications typically have a quick turnaround time and do not require plan review. get driving directions from your location, Clackamas County Contractor License Search, Oregon City Building Department and Permits, West Linn Building Department, Planning, Zoning and Permits, Clackamas County Department of Elections Polling Locations, Clackamas County Assessment and Taxation Department Tax Records, Clackamas County Sheriff's Office Website, Clackamas County Technology Services Department GIS Maps, Clackamas County Sheriff's Office Property Records, Clackamas County building codes and ordinances, Building and construction permit searches, Clackamas County building violations, appeals, complaints, and fines, Building information searches and property records, Zoning regulations and ordinances in Clackamas County, Oregon. 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Permits staff will email your payment receipt and permit to you. The naming convention starts with a number showing the drawings position in the overall drawing set, followed by a description based upon the information provided on the drawing page. All Rights Reserved. After your application has been processed, you will receive an Upload and Submit message with a link to upload your project documents in Development Direct. This is the permitting process the installation, repair, and maintenance of septic systems on homes and businesses not served by community sewer systems. Well answer in-person during office hours (Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.) or respond to you the next business day if you leave a message outside of office hours. Below are quick links to some of the most common permitting resources. All drawing files must follow the naming conventions to ensure that they are listed in the proper order when uploaded. Visit our Development Direct page for complete instructions to accessyour permit. To help your project move through the process quickly, please make sure that you upload your project drawings and documents correctly. Our customer service representatives are available. But understanding that online services dont work for everyone, we offer several options to help you keep your project on track if you dont have access to a computer. We can accept a check in person during our business hours of 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Thursday. (Please login to continue. View Portland Office of Management & Finance business tax information, including how to register, file or pay online. If your project will use a septic system (including revising or adding capacity to an existing system), also check with County Septic about the permit requirements prior to developing your project plans and documents. Application Number Enter the two-digit year, a dash, and the six-digit permit case/number (e.g. Terms and Conditions. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic we developed customized forms and a process that relied on email and a system not designed for electronic plans review. Available by phone/email Planning and Zoning Division | Clackamas County Planning and Zoning Division Administers state, regional and local land use and zoning regulations in unincorporated areas. Not sure which permit you need? To the right of the Changemark note column, select the file name or click on the file image. Visit our permit center After selecting account management, on the right hand side of the screen, select the box to add a license. Clackamas County Delinquent Tax Sales & Auctions Stop byour counter on the second floor of the Development Services Building, 150 Beavercreek Road, Oregon City, during office hours: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Staff available by phone and email: Monday Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Step 1 Visit the Permit Triggers page to review and decide which type of permit you need. This permit may be upgraded to a Development Permit if there is major grading and/or fill, surface water management review or other items that require in depth review. When all required fees are paid, you will receive a system-generated email and be notified in Development Direct that the permit is approved and your final documents are ready for download. Multiple permits are often required. You may want to allow others to participate in your project (for example, a co-worker, partner or architect). About Us Contact Us for new installations of, or updates to, mobile homes, trailers or manufactured homes. This process is for homeowners who are doing mechanical, electrical or plumbing work on your own residence or your home based business. Please see below list of potential permits needed for a project. For general questions or record requests:Email:zoninginfo@clackamas.usPhone:503-742-4500. "Dry" (gas, electric, telecommunications) utility work is preferably included as part of a Development Permit, but may be installed as a separate Utility Permit. Find Clackamas County GIS maps, tax maps, and parcel viewers to search for and identify land and property records. Doing this will allow the log-in page to appear when you sign in. You may login with either your assigned username or your e-mail address. If you are a new user and will be applying for a Permit, requesting an inspection or applying for a License you must register for a free Land Use Navigator (LUN) account by clicking on the "Register Now" button. Failure to coordinate with Planning and Septic prior to submitting an application could substantially extend review times or lead to your submittal being rejected during Land Use or Septic review. While we no longer accept paper submittals, we are happy to help you with options. Email authorization Emergency work although emergency work may initially be completed without a permit, but a Utility Permit is required soon as practicable and we ask that you contact us right away, Review of erosion control and stormwater impacts associated with utility work. When naming drawings: Important: If you are asked to correct and resubmit a file, do not rename it (for example, add a version number). Public improvements, and private access and circulation work for commercial, industrial, institutional and multi-family (including apartments and condominiums) developments, subdivisions, partitions or other land use approvals. (You can check your jurisdiction by using CMap and performing a search for your address). Friday, Development Services Building 150 Beavercreek Road 2nd floor Oregon City, OR 97. You will be prompted through the payment screens. Developement Direct,which usesProjectDoxsoftware, lets customers skip a trip to the County offices by submitting applications and any required plans online. If you are uploading a corrected file, do not rename it before resubmitting it (for example, adding version number). Other preliminary utility explorations such as coring are completed as a Right of Way Permit (see below). Clackamas County Building Inspections Well answer in-person during office hours (Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.) or respond the next business day if you leave a message outside of office hours. Contact one of our Customer Service Representatives at or 503-742-4400. between. All Development Engineering permits, including: All Building, Electrical, Plumbing and Mechanical permits that, Trade contractor Electrical, Plumbing and Mechanical permits, Basic homeowner Electrical, Plumbing and Mechanical permits, Plumbing "Site work" on Private Property, Legal description of the property (Township, Range, Section and Tax Lot) You can copy the, Driveway location and location of adjacent streets, Location of any existing wells on this or adjacent properties, Location of the septic tank, drainfield, and drainfield replacement area, Approximate ground slope and direction of the slope, Proposed setbacks from all property lines, Position of all creeks, streams, ponds, springs, or other drainage-ways, Relative elevations at lot corners or construction area, and at the building site. Regulations that guide zoning and development in unincorporated Clackamas County, Proposals to amend the Comprehensive Plan or Zoning and Development Ordinance, Planning commission meeting documents and videos, Legislative authority issuing land use decisions involving creation or revision of policy, Phone:503-742-4500 Complete and submit applications for Building, Site Development, Right of Way and Utility permits, Have your plans and documents reviewed and approved electronically, Pay fees and manage your projects from start to finish. Enter this code and click continue, When done a message will appear letting you know your account was successfully created. Drawings will be uploaded as a single sheets. Prior to occupancy of a new residential dwelling or townhouse, the building official must issue a certificate of occupancy in the form and format established by the division. Septic and onsite wastewater treatment systems must be designed, installed, and maintained to protect: Find answers to your most frequently asked questions. How can I learn to use Development Direct? Popularity:#1 of 2 Building Departments in Oregon#1 of 12 Building Departments in Clackamas County#10 of 111 Building Departments in Oregon#695 in Building Departments. Visit the Permit Triggers page to determine which type of permit (s) you need. You have several options to learn how to use Development Direct. When your project is approved and your permits are ready, you will receive your permits, approved drawings, and permit conditions in Development Direct. Miscellaneous activities in the public right of way including: Still not sure which permit you need? Address and Phone Number for Clackamas County Permits, a Building Department, at Beavercreek Road, Oregon OR. Water district approval. View Clackamas County, Oregon property tax exemption information, including homestead exemptions, low income assistance, senior and veteran exemptions, applications, and program details. Our User Guide provides full details on how to view and respond to corrections and changemarks. Building permit application, information and forms to include with your application. We will have to keep your submittal on hold until we receive the funds. For drawings, each sheet will be uploaded as a single file. Not sure what drawings or supporting documents are needed for us to review the application? back to top Is your file taking too long to load? If fees are required for your project, they must be paid before your application is complete. These instructions will help you get ready to apply for building permits using Development Direct. To pay with cash or check, visit us at our permitting counter on the second floor of the Development Services Building, 150 Beavercreek Road. Include the gable end truss with engineering sheet." 08-168311) . About Us Contact Us There are several kinds of permits, and depending on your project, you may need more than one. Please use the Burn Restriction Map to determine if you reside within the burn ban boundary. When your project is approved and your permits are ready, you will receive your permits and approved drawings directly in Development Direct. Simply click on the PERMITS or LICENSING tab to search for records. After reviewing the comments, go to the Please enter your responses column (far-right of list) and enter a response for each comment in order to be able to keep the process moving forward. Find information about Clackamas County, Oregon Burn Permits including applying for open fire burning permits, requirements, wildfire prevention, and personal fire safety. related to solar energy, water efficiency and other renewable energies. View map of Clackamas County Permits, and get driving directions from your location. Phone:503-742-4740 Need another type of permit? Suggest Listing We regulate the installation, repair, and maintenance of septic systems on homes and businesses not served by community sewer systems. Our offices are at: 150 Beavercreek Rd, Oregon City, OR 97045 map. The Clackamas County Permits, located in Oregon, Oregon, ensures the construction of safe buildings, primarily through the development and enforcement of building codes. All Development Engineering permits, including: All Building, Electrical, Plumbing and Mechanical permits that, Trade contractor Electrical, Plumbing and Mechanical permits, Basic homeowner Electrical, Plumbing and Mechanical permits, the groundwater aquifer and surface waters from pathogen and nitrogen contamination, public health by properly treating and disposing of disease-causing human waste. does not provide consumer reports and is not a consumer reporting agency as defined by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). Please check here for upcoming closures to make sure your development projects are kept on track. Or altering a commercial Building or commercial space or @, including how to and! And other renewable energies call the daily burn message line: 503.742.2945 the upload the! And approved drawings directly in Development Direct for online permit Submittals Reference the clackamas county building permits search name or the street on... 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